

Exploring the Haftarah: Insights from My Talkline Interview

  I was recently interviewed about The Haftarah and Its Parsha on Talkline with Zev Brenner. Zev is a pioneer in Jewish broadcasting, known for his engaging interviews and thought-provoking discussions on a wide range of Jewish topics. The interview explores the connections between the weekly Torah portion and its corresponding haftarah. Zev’s thoughtful questions…

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Press Release – “The Haftarah and Its Parsha”

For some two thousand years, the practice at every Jewish congregation on Shabbos morning has been to read a weekly portion from the Torah followed by a reading from the books of the prophets, the haftarah. Despite the haftarah’s antiquity and universality, we know little about its origin or purpose. This newly released groundbreaking book…

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